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The 9th and 10th of December we went to the Mundikat show in Uitgeest
GIC Lapanto's Ajax both days E 2
Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre first day Ex1 and the second day Ex 1/NOM and
Best in show
The last show of this year was the Felikatshow in Schiedam on 16th and 17th.
This was the perfect ending of the year
GIC Lapanto's Ajax CACS and now Supreme Champion
NW IC Lapanto's Gaia both days CAGCIB.
Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre both days Ex1/NOM and Best in show.
The show on 18 and 19 November in Kortrijk from Felis Belgica was a very succesfull one.
IC Lapanto's Paris CAGCIB /BIV and CACS she is now Grand International Champion
GIC Lapanto's Ajax CACS/NOM and CACS
IC Dan-Queen Ejnar CAGCIB/NOM and CACS he is now Grand International Champion
Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre ex1/NOM Best in show and BEST OF BEST
and second day also Ex 1/NOM and he lost with one vote
Worldshow 2017 Rijswijk Felikat 29th of October.
We were very happy with the results
IC Lapanto's Paris CAGCIB (1/3)
GIC Lapanto's Ajax CACS (back for nom)
IC Dan-Queen Ejnar CAGCIB/BIV (back for nom)
Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre ex3
On the 7th and 8th of October went to the Mundikat show in Groningen.
This was the first show of our new boy Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre and he did very well,
both days excellent 1, with comments that he is very promissing.
GIC Lapanto's Ajax both days CACS and second day also NOM.
IC Dan-Queen Ejnar both days CAGCIB/NOM and second day also BIV.
The first show of the season was the Felikat show in Nieuw Vennep on the 16th and 17th of September.
IC Lapanto's Paris both days CAGCIB/NOM and first day also BIV.
GIC Lapanto's Ajax first day CACS/NOM
IC Dan-Queen Ejnar second day CAGCIB
The kitten page is updated with pictures from the Watches litter.
On the 3rd of July SC Norforecats Take it All gave birth to a little kitten. (see kitten pages).
On 10th and 11th of June we went to the Mundikat show in Almere.
IC Dan-Queen Ejnar both days CAGCIB
IC Lapanto's Paris both days CAGCIB
GIC Lapanto's Ajax both days CACS
On the 19th of May the litter of IC Dan_Queen Ejnar and NW IC Lapanto's Gaia was born.
Lapanto's Vacheron Constatin, NFO as, girl.
Lapanto's Jaeger LeCoultre, NFO n, boy.
Lapanto's Piaget, NFO a, girl.
(see kitten pages)
We went to the Easter show of Mundikat in Nieuwegein with great results.
CH Lapanto's Paris got CACIB and best in varity total, she is now International Champion
IC Lapanto's Ajax got CAGCIB and is now Grand International Champion
The Felikat show Schiedam on 26th of March.
IC Lapanto's Ajax, CAGCIB and nomination BIS - Best in show
CH Lapanto's Phaedra, CACIB and nomination BIS
CH Lapanto's Paris, excellent 2.
The Nord Sea Winner Show 2017 on 4th of March Felis Belgica Kortrijk
CH Dan-Queen Ejnar CACIB - International Champion
CH Lapanto's Paris CACIB
IC Lapanto's Ajax CAGCIB and nomination BIS
The next show was the Mundikat show in Boxtel.
IC Lapanto's Ajax got both days CAGCIB and nomination BIS.
CH Dan-Queen Ejnar got both days CACIB and best in varity total.
The year started with a great surprise our IC Lapanto's Gaia became National Winner 2016 in the Netherlands.
The first show of the year was the Felikat show in Zoetermeer, both our cats became Champion that weekend.
Lapanto's Paris got CAC, and the second day CACIB /nomination BIS.
Dan-Queen Ejnar got both days CAC.
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